Source code for pykanto.parameters
# ─── DESCRIPTION ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Classes and methods to store and modify pykanto parameters.
# ──── IMPORTS ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
from __future__ import annotations
import json
from typing import Any, Tuple
import attr
from pykanto.utils.compute import print_dict
# ──── CLASSES AND METHODS ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[docs]class Parameters:
# TODO: #8 Parameters should be an attrs class with validation @nilomr
General parameters class - stores parameters to be passed to
a :meth:`~pykanto.dataset.KantoData` object.
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any):
Sets default parameters, then updates with user-provided parameters.
# Set defaults first
# Spectrogramming
self.window_length: int = 1024
"""Number of samples. Defaults to 1024."""
self.hop_length: int = 128
"""Number of samples between successive frames. Defaults to 128."""
self.fft_size: int = 2048
"""Number of bins used to divide the window. Defaults to 2048."""
self.num_mel_bins: int = 224
"""Number of Mel frequency bins to use
(n of 'rows' in mel-spectrogram). Defaults to 224.""" int = 22050
"""The sampling rate (samples taken per second).
Defaults to 22050."""
self.hop_length_ms: float = / self.hop_length
"""Calculated automatically."""
self.fft_rate: float = 1000 / self.hop_length_ms
"""Calculated automatically."""
self.top_dB: int = 65
"""Top dB to keep. Defaults to 65.
Example: if ``top_dB`` = 65 anything below -65dB will be masked."""
self.lowcut: int = 1000
"""Minimum frequency (in Hz) to include by default. Defaults to 1000."""
self.highcut: int = 10000
"""Maximum frequency (in Hz) to include by default.
Defaults to 10000."""
self.dereverb: bool = False
"""Wether to reduce reverberation in the spectrograms.
Defaults to False"""
# Segmentation
self.max_dB: int = -30
"""Maximum threshold to reach during segmentation, in dB.
Defaults to -30"""
self.dB_delta: int = 5
"""Size of thresholding steps, in dB. Defaults to 5."""
self.silence_threshold: float = 0.2
"""Threshold separating silence from voiced segments.
Between 0.1 and 0.3 tends to work well. Defaults to 0.2."""
self.max_unit_length: float = 0.4
"""Maximum unit length allowed. Defaults to 0.4. """
self.min_unit_length: float = 0.03
"""Minimum unit length allowed. Defaults to 0.03."""
self.min_silence_length: float = 0.001
"""Minimum silence length allowed. Defaults to 0.001."""
self.gauss_sigma: int = 3
"""Sigma for gaussian kernel. Defaults to 3."""
# general settings
self.song_level: bool = False
"""Whether to return the average of all units.
Defaults to False (return individual units in each vocalisation)"""
self.subset: Tuple[int, int] | None = None
"""Indices of the first and last items to include in the dataset.
Optional, defaults to None."""
self.num_cpus: None | int = None
"""How many cpus to use for parallel computing. Default is available
number of cpus"""
self.verbose: bool = False
"""How much detail to provide. Defaults to False (not verbose)."""
# Update with user-provided parameters.
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Update one or more parameters.
KeyError: Not a valid parameter name.
for key, val in kwargs.items():
if key not in self.__dict__:
raise KeyError(
f"'{key}'' is not an existing parameter."
f"Use `.add({key} = {val})` instead f you want to add a new parameter."
[docs] def add(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Add one or more new parameters.
def __str__(self) -> str:
Returns the class objects as a string.
str: Pretty printed dictionary contents.
return print_dict(self.__dict__)